Category Archives: math review

Inequalities Worksheets

Inequalities Worksheets, Inequalities Worksheet, Free Inequalities Worksheets, Inequality Worksheets, Inequality Worksheet, Inequalities Activities, Inequalities Printables

Compare the numbers, and the alligator eats the bigger number, right? Well, it’s not if you don’t have good number sense. Practice inequalities with these cute worksheets that can be a great send-home piece of work for kids to do with their parents. Again, counters like marbles, skittles, peanuts, or bingo chips make great teaching aids for this sort of stuff.

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have fun teaching

Inequalities Worksheets

Graphing Worksheets

Graphing Worksheets, Graphing Worksheet, Free Graphing Worksheets, Graphing Worksheets for Kids, Graphing Paper, Graph Paper, Graph Worksheets, Graph Worksheet, Free Graph Worksheets

Graphing awakes deep fears within our souls, much like that Lovecraftian branch of math known as algebra. I tell you though, it’s not to be feared, but embraced. Hug your bar and line graphs! Learn to love them, because most every standardized test in math or science for the rest of your life will include graphs. Social studies loves to throw in graphs too, just to remind everyone that it’s a subject worth knowing, too. So get to it, learn to label each axis, properly numerate your axis, too, and then draw your major and minor grid lines. And remember… you can tell the kids about Excel and spreadsheets when they’re in college.

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have fun teaching

Graphing Worksheets

Geometry Worksheets

Geometry Worksheets, Geometry Worksheet, Free Geometry Worksheets, Geometry Worksheets for Kids, Geometry Printables, Geometry Activities

Geometry is either the easiest thing to understand or the hardest, depending on how visual-spatial you are. For some of us, we’d rather get the plague than learn all the fancy names and formulas for these shapes and figures. Thankfully, there is a free resource out there to help your kids out at home or your students in the classroom.

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have fun teaching

Geometry Worksheets

Fractions Worksheets

Fraction Worksheets, Fraction Worksheet, Free Fraction Worksheets, Fractions Worksheets, Fractions Worksheet, Free Fractions Worksheets, Fraction Activities, Fraction Printables, Fraction Worksheets for Kids

Fractions always made a lot of sense to me. I used to push-mow the lawn, and while I did it I’d think about what fraction of it was done. Oh, 7/10 of the yard is cut. I can probably finish in 15 minutes. Well, what came easy for me is like learning Chinese to a lot of kids. They need practice, reinforcement, visual aids, manipulatives, and the whole shebang. Add to your fraction resources with have fun teaching’s fractions section.

have fun teaching

have fun teaching

Fraction Worksheets

Adding Worksheets

Addition Worksheets, Addition Worksheet, Free Addition Worksheets, Addition Worksheets for Kids, Addition Activities, Addition Printables

Need some help with addition? Without it, subtraction makes little or no sense, and multiplication is basically impossible. Help your students survive in math and get to higher grades without finger counting with just a few more minutes of practice per day. I’ve linked a sample addition lesson below, using pictures to teach addition.

Addition Worksheets

Addition Worksheets